Have you created a new blog? Is it your first blog? If your answer is yes, then you must read this. There are primary things you should do when just started a blog. This include Social marketing, Creating Facebook page, Advertising, Making quality back links etc. I said, these are must haves because they are so important to have some initial traffic boost into your blog. The initial stages, until you reach a 100 unique visitors per day are very crucial to your blog. The faster you reach this target, the faster your career grows up. Also it is much important to think about SEO in the initial stage itself, especially when you plan to buy a domain name for your blog. Just start reading below, I will explain everything as I can.
Don't think money as your Primary target!
3 or 4 years ago, say in 2009, I have started my blogging career when I was at the age of 14. As everyone, I started blogging with a lot of dreams. I thought, Blogging is really a big thing. I can earn huge amount of money. I have seen a lot of advertisements saying, just work 2 hours from home and earn thousands of dollars per month.
What I'm saying is, don't apply for adsense or any other advertising platforms when you just started blog. I guarantee that you won't get over 1$ in the first week with any of these. Surely everyone will get disappointed when you see 0$ daily earning on your account, isn't you? Also it has many other reasons to say. Don't apply for adsense once you has minimum 25 Posts and 100 Unique visitors per day. Concentrate on Quality posting, SEO and marketing, not on money making. Once you have Quality posts, readers will rush towards your site for your content and thus you can see your graph of earnings grow high. When you have good traffic, earnings will rise, No doubt for that.
Selecting a Domain name and Hosting
Thus is the most important thing you should be take care of. You should buy a domain name in the initial stage itself. If you don't want to spend money and stuck on the free .blogspot or .wordpress domain, you are mistaken. When your blog gets a lot of pageviews and you have started earning a decent income, you will surely think of buying a domain later time. But, as your blog is on good ranking based on the .blogspot or .wordpress (Whatever you have), changing your domain will considerably affect your traffic, earnings and marketing. It will take some time to recover. So, to avoid these problems, you should think of this at first itself. Also, selecting a domain is also important. Buying a country-wise domains like .in or .us gives you search preference in that country. but your rankings will be less in other countries. A .com site will have no such preferences. Also, .net can be used as an alternative to .com. Selecting a name is also important. I personally don't like putting our own name as blog name. It is better to have a relevant domain name which is much related to your content. This makes your readers easy to understand. It is a good SEO tactic also. For example, the URL of this domain is http://www.bloggingbytes.com. I have given that name because I'm mostly writing about blogging itself. Since Blogging is in the domain name, search keywords like Blog and Blogging will give much preference to this site.
Social Marketing
Social marketing is the next step you have to deal with. Once you have created the blog, it should reach the audience. The users should get a chance to know about your blog. That's what social networking sites do. Start with a facebook page. Share the page with your friends to get some likes Don't forget to update it regularly. It can offer some initial traffic to your blog. In the initial stages, your search rankings will be very very low So, social networking sites can help you a lot. Not only Facebook page, sign Up with Twitter, StumbleUpon and similar sites. When I started this blog, in the first month, more than 90% source of the traffic was from Social sites, especially DIGG and StumbleUpon. These sites helped me much than Facebook Page.Build Quality Back-links
Creating Quality Back links are also much important to get good search rankings. For this, Read some famous blogs related to your topic and comment on it. Don't forget to include your blog's link in it. Also participate in forums, discussions etc. Sites like ask.com can also help you to get some backlinks. If you got a number of such backlinks with high google PageRank, your Pagerank also increases. So, search engine will give more importance to you in search results. Showing results of a search not only depends on the keyword, but also on the Pagerank.Need some killer Posts!
This is the next important thing you have to do. For an initial pull, make first 10 Posts in your blog very unique and impressive. Take your own time for it. Add some images, videos etc. to make it attractive. Your blog's bounce rate should be reduced. I meant, your users should not leave your site easily. Your posts should be impressive so that they will come again and again. With these, your traffic will grow in a steady state.When your traffic goes up in a steady state, don't think that you can sit back and relax now. Keep posting and see your earnings go high. Actually, Blogging is a trial and error strategic method. In the career, you will make a lot of mistakes. You should have the strength to withstand it. These mistakes are great addons to your experience. All of the above in this posts are from knowledge which I got from my own mistakes and experiences. As I said above selecting a domain should be done first. I have done that mistake in my other blog Hacking Palace. Now it has a good pageview and earnings. Now I wish to buy a domain. But I cannot. So, when making this blog, I havn't repeated that mistake. I bought the domain in the early stage itself. So, take your time, Try.. Experiment.. and Success is yours.
All the Best for your new blog!
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