1. Focus on content, not on Ads
This is the first and most important tip I have to give to you. Don't make your blog a fish market of ads. Let me say, If you have about 10 ads in your page. A user clicks maximum of 2 ads. Right? That means all the 8 remaining ads are waste. About 4-6 square ads in the sidebar is enough I think. If you want, yo you can add one in the header area also. Anyway, don't disturb the reading of users. Your main Content column must have a width of 70% of the available width of the page. A 3 column template is not recommended by me as in most of them, content column has less that 50% width. the readers are coming to your site to get some content, not to click on Ads!. DON'T Put any Pop up or Pop down ads. They are too irritating.
Always make Quality posts. Avoid writing about usual things, write about anything unique or new. Itm is better to make a timetable for posting. Write at least 5-7 posts in a week. Better publish your posts at a fixed time every time you post, readers also like these type of timings. I had a failed blog, related to earning methods. I had created many posts for it, but i had no timing and that's the main reason for its fail. When I created it for first time, I have posted about 15 articles in a day!. Then I left it for so many days untreated and posted another 20 posts in a day. After almost 2 months, it was complete fail. So I deleted it. But now in this blog, I'm keeping my timing almost correct. I'm writing bog post daily and publishes at about 8PM (GMT+5.30). So, keep up you timing.
2. No Copy - Paste please!
If you want to be a successful and professional blogger, please don't copy contents from others. I know the difficulty of creating a post. It needs a lot of hard work and effort. I have spent almost 1 hour for creating this post up to here. So, when you are copying others content that means you are destroying your respect and increasing their loyal readers!. Ya, when any user understand that you are copying contents from other site, they will never come back to your site and they will become the regular reader of the blog from which you copied. Of course, you can increase traffic as a result, but it won't last too long. Also it is illegal according to DMCA and there are many free tools available on internet which checks copy-paste content. So beware!
3. Switch to a top level domain
For making a professional site, you must buy a top level domain. A .blogspot.com, or .wordpress.com not seems like a professional one, because most of the users know that they are FREE! so they will think that your blog is a low class one. And also, it is difficult to remember a blogspot URL, means low traffic for your blog. I'm not saying to buy a domain in the beginning itself, just do it at least before finishing 6 months with your blog. With my own experience on another blog, I'm saying that buying a domain can boost your traffic by over 200% !. Also some ad networks like buysellads do not accept blogs hosted on blogspot and wordpress.
4. Don't use too many social sharing buttons
Social sharing is for promoting your blog and posts. If the readers are interested in your post, they will definitely share it, just need one sharing button below your post. I've seen on some blogs, it have some sharing buttons on top of post, below title, some below post body, a twitter follow button and Google plus one button on the sidebar and a facebook official widget below it! i have to say one thing that. Anything must not be exceeded beyond limit, it will be dangerous. Increasing social sharing buttons won't increases your traffic. Instead, try using that time for creating quality content and you can see traffic increasing mush. Even you can't believe it!
5. Avoid Grammar and spelling mistakes, use good language
For writing articles for a blog, you don't need to be use expert Language, instead simple language is enough. That is what readers a wants also (Even Me!). But try to avoid grammar and spelling mistakes on your post. That is not good for a professional blog, you know? There are many many free tools available in internet for spell check and grammar check. use it.
6. Use a neat layout
Blog template is another great factor for the look of your blog. It is better to buy a customized template for your blog. Use matching colors for the backgrounds, titles, subtitles etc. If you know some HTML and CSS, you can tweak this yourself.. If you don't, you can take assist from bloggers like me or buy a premium theme for your blog. In the coming days, I'll post about blog layout, design, tweaks and tips. I will also create some beautiful and highly customized blogger templates for you. Don't miss any good posts, Subscribe to feeds to get latest updates in your inbox.
7. Add "About Us" and "Contact Admin" pages
Blogging can be success only if readers are able to interact with you. So, add a brief description about yourself (or your team) as an "about us" page. Don't put fake Name or Address here. Always give your real name Here. Add something about yourself also. Also add a "contact us" form in which readers will be able to contact you directly. Don't put your Email address directly in it. Instead, use any email redirection service like Email Form. Just google for it.
8. Remove Blogspot navbar (blogger users only)
A navbar is a vertical bar seen on blogger blogs on the top. A blog looks unprofessional if it has a navbar on it. There is a simple CSS hack to remove navbar from blogs. For that, read my post http://bloggingbytes.blogspot.com/2012/04/how-to-removehide-blogger-blogspot.html
Let me say the reason why I'm not following some of these tweaks. First of all, I'm not rich. I have no much money to buy a domain right now. But I will do it some time later. Also, This template style is not much good compare to other premium templates. The reason is that I'm not focusing on style right now, but on quality posts. Anyway I'll make it beautiful too.
I think these simple tweaks can improve your blog very mush. I know, this not enough for a blog to be perfect. Even i think this is useful. Le me know if you have any doubts or suggestions. Your comments are welcome!
Great tips! I like the one about advertising too. Your Ads should go around your content - not the other way around. If people feel your site is cluttered with too many ads? They will never visit it again!